
The Last Match

komikss magazine kush! (www.komikss.lv) in co-operation with the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (www.lcca.lv)

Exhibition Place
First time from 12/09/09 – 18/09/09 as part of the survival kit art event in Riga in a former kiosk, after travelling to different festivals and galleries around Europe.

Since it had to be a low budget exhibition, we decided to invite at least 200 artists to show you can make something big out of something small.

Every artist designs one piece which will be hung on a match. So there will be 200 matches stuck in a wall and all the artworks hang on it. The whole exhibition can be gathered in 7 matchboxes and therefore will be easy to send around.

The individual artwork
It is on a paper in the size fitting in to a matchbox: 32 mm * 52 mm. On the front it will have a drawing about the theme „fire“ or/and „the last match“. On the back of each paper the artist writes his name. Like this all the artworks hang next to each other anonymously, but there will be a list in the exhibition to see who made what.

L'ultimo Fiammifero è il nome della mostra che si terrà dal 12 al 18 settembre a Riga, in Lettonia.
Il curatore David Schilter ha invitato 200 artisti da tutto il mondo a illustrare un piccolo cartoncino dalle misure di una scatola di fiammiferi, che sarà appeso al muro proprio con un fiammifero.

200 artisti = 200 cartoncini sulla parete. L'intera mostra sarà contenibile in 7 scatole di fiammiferi e potrà così esser poi facilmente trasportabile in altre locations europee.

